Results for 'S. C. Choi'

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  1.  47
    High-brightness gallium nitride nanowire UV–blue light emitting diodes.S. -K. Lee, T. -H. Kim, S. -Y. Lee, K. -C. Choi & P. Yang - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (14-15):2105-2115.
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  2.  69
    Patient privacy protection among university nursing students: A cross-sectional study.Dorothy N. S. Chan, Kai-Chow Choi, Miranda H. Y. To, Summer K. N. Ha & Gigi C. C. Ling - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1280-1292.
    Background Protecting a person’s right to privacy and confidentiality is important in healthcare services. As future health professionals, nursing students should bear the same responsibility as qualified health professionals in protecting patient privacy. Objectives To investigate nursing students’ practices of patient privacy protection and to identify factors associated with their practices. Research design A cross-sectional study design was adopted. A two-part survey was used to collect two types of data on nursing students: (1) personal characteristics, including demographics, clinical experience and (...)
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  3.  21
    Time-frequency signatures evoked by single-pulse deep brain stimulation to the subcallosal cingulate.Ezra E. Smith, Ki Sueng Choi, Ashan Veerakumar, Mosadoluwa Obatusin, Bryan Howell, Andrew H. Smith, Vineet Tiruvadi, Andrea L. Crowell, Patricio Riva-Posse, Sankaraleengam Alagapan, Christopher J. Rozell, Helen S. Mayberg & Allison C. Waters - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Precision targeting of specific white matter bundles that traverse the subcallosal cingulate has been linked to efficacy of deep brain stimulation for treatment resistant depression. Methods to confirm optimal target engagement in this heterogenous region are now critical to establish an objective treatment protocol. As yet unexamined are the time-frequency features of the SCC evoked potential, including spectral power and phase-clustering. We examined these spectral features—evoked power and phase clustering—in a sample of TRD patients with implanted SCC stimulators. Electroencephalogram was (...)
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  4.  31
    Characteristics of microstructure and electrical resistivity of inkjet-printed nanoparticle silver films annealed under ambient air.J. -K. Jung, S. -H. Choi, I. Kim, H. C. Jung, J. Joung & Y. -C. Joo - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (3):339-359.
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    Analysis of expressed sequence tag loci on wheat chromosome group 4. Miftahudin, K. Ross, X. -F. Ma, A. A. Mahmoud, J. Layton, M. A. Rodriguez Milla, T. Chikmawati, J. Ramalingam, O. Feril, M. S. Pathan, G. Surlan Momirovic, S. Kim, K. Chema, P. Fang, L. Haule, H. Struxness, J. Birkes, C. Yaghoubian, R. Skinner, J. McAllister, V. Nguyen, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, M. Dilbirligi, K. S. Gill, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, C. E. Bermudez-Kandianis, M. E. Sorrells, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, G. R. Lazo, S. Chao, O. D. Anderson, J. Gonzalez-Hernandez, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, D. -W. Choi, R. D. Fenton, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset, H. T. Nguyen & J. P. Gustafson - unknown
    A total of 1918 loci, detected by the hybridization of 938 expressed sequence tag unigenes from 26 Triticeae cDNA libraries, were mapped to wheat homoeologous group 4 chromosomes using a set of deletion, ditelosomic, and nulli-tetrasomic lines. The 1918 EST loci were not distributed uniformly among the three group 4 chromosomes; 41, 28, and 31% mapped to chromosomes 4A, 4B, and 4D, respectively. This pattern is in contrast to the cumulative results of EST mapping in all homoeologous groups, as reported (...)
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  6.  33
    A chromosome bin map of 2148 expressed sequence tag loci of wheat homoeologous group 7.K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, G. R. Lazo, J. Hegstad, M. J. Wentz, P. M. A. Kianian, K. Simons, S. Gehlhar, J. L. Rust, R. R. Syamala, K. Obeori, S. Bhamidimarri, P. Karunadharma, S. Chao, O. D. Anderson, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, A. M. Linkiewicz, A. Ratnasiri, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, Miftahudin, K. Ross, J. P. Gustafson, H. S. Radhawa, M. Dilbirligi, K. S. Gill, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, R. A. Greene, C. E. Bermudez-Kandianis, M. E. Sorrells, O. Feril, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, D. W. Choi, D. Fenton, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & S. F. Kianian - unknown
    The objectives of this study were to develop a high-density chromosome bin map of homoeologous group 7 in hexaploid wheat, to identify gene distribution in these chromosomes, and to perform comparative studies of wheat with rice and barley. We mapped 2148 loci from 919 EST clones onto group 7 chromosomes of wheat. In the majority of cases the numbers of loci were significantly lower in the centromeric regions and tended to increase in the distal regions. The level of duplicated loci (...)
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  7.  32
    A 2600-locus chromosome bin map of wheat homoeologous group 2 reveals interstitial gene-rich islands and colinearity with rice. [REVIEW]E. J. Conley, V. Nduati, J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, A. Mesfin, M. Trudeau-Spanjers, S. Chao, G. R. Lazo, D. D. Hummel, O. D. Anderson, L. L. Qi, B. S. Gill, B. Echalier, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, X. -F. Ma, Miftahudin, J. P. Gustafson, R. A. Greene, M. E. Sorrells, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, D. Sidhu, M. Dilbirligi, K. S. Gill, D. W. Choi, R. D. Fenton, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & J. A. Anderson - unknown
    The complex hexaploid wheat genome offers many challenges for genomics research. Expressed sequence tags facilitate the analysis of gene-coding regions and provide a rich source of molecular markers for mapping and comparison with model organisms. The objectives of this study were to construct a high-density EST chromosome bin map of wheat homoeologous group 2 chromosomes to determine the distribution of ESTs, construct a consensus map of group 2 ESTs, investigate synteny, examine patterns of duplication, and assess the colinearity with rice (...)
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  8. Environmental and Economic Dimensions of Sustainability and Price Effects on Consumer Responses.Sungchul Choi & Alex Ng - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2):269-282.
    The lack of attention to sustainability, as a concept with multiple dimensions, has presented a developmental gap in green marketing literature, sustainability, and marketing literature for decades. Based on the established premise of customer–corporate (C–C) identification, in which consumers respond favorably to companies with corporate social responsibility initiatives that they identify with, we propose that consumers would respond similarly to companies with sustainability initiatives. We postulate that consumers care about protecting and preserving favorable economic environments (an economic dimension of sustainability) (...)
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  9.  53
    Advertising and knowledge intermediaries: Managing the ethical challenges of intangibles. [REVIEW]Carla C. J. M. Millar & Chong Ju Choi - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 48 (3):267-277.
    In today''s business environment, the knowledge-based society, globalisation, and information and communication technologies (ICT) have increased the role of "intangible" values of assets and resources for all industries. As a result there is an increased role for knowledge intermediaries; one of these, advertising, plays an important role in affecting consumer choice and knowledge. Ethical issues which arise for traditional purveyors of intangibility – cultural industries such as art, music, or film, spread to advertising. Building on our perspective of the measurement (...)
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  10.  47
    Spatial Semantics, Cognition, and Their Interaction: A Comparative Study of Spatial Categorization in English and Korean.Hongoak Yun & Soonja Choi - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):1736-1776.
    This study has two goals. First, we present much‐needed empirical linguistic data and systematic analyses on the spatial semantic systems in English and Korean, two languages that have been extensively compared to date in the debate on spatial language and spatial cognition. We conduct our linguistic investigation comprehensively, encompassing the domains of tight‐ and loose‐fit as well as containment and support relations. The current analysis reveals both cross‐linguistic commonalities and differences: From a common set of spatial features, each language highlights (...)
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  11.  23
    Fake Dispositional Sentences: Manley and Wasserman's Misstep.Sungho Choi - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (4):859-873.
    Manley and Wasserman's PROP account of dispositions has been influential in the recent debate about the nature of dispositions. In this paper, I will bring under scrutiny one crucial step in Manley and Wasserman's reasoning leading to the PROP account. The step is one where they abandon what they call ‘MOST’, the idea that x is disposed to M when C iff x would M in most cases where C obtains. I will argue below, however, that this step is invalid.
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    The post-analytic roots of humanist liberalism.Naomi Choi - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (3):280-292.
    Isaiah Berlin and Stuart Hampshire's early engagements with logical positivism and ordinary language philosophy are examined as historical and philosophical reference points for locating an alternative – interpretive and humanist – tradition that developed within analytic philosophy at Oxford in the 20th C. Berlin and Hampshire's writings show the legacy of an enduring Idealist philosophy, one that nonetheless had to be revised and reinvented against the new empiricist challenges brought on by the rise of analytic philosophy. Berlin and Hampshire rejected (...)
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  13. S. C. Kleene. General recursive functions of natural numbers. Mathematische Annalen, Bd. 112 (1935–1936), S. 727–742.S. C. Kleene - 1937 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):38-38.
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  14.  42
    Connectedness to Nature and to Humanity: their association and personality correlates.Kibeom Lee, Michael C. Ashton, Julie Choi & Kayla Zachariassen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  15.  36
    An Anatomy of Values. [REVIEW]S. C. A. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):352-352.
    A clearly written book that purports to analyze "the ends men pursue, and the ways in which these ends are ordered in some kind of system." The driving force behind the analysis is the attempt to present ends, or at least some important ends, as complex entities having a discernible and significant structure, and then to present the priorities, preferences, and relationships that men impose on their ends as themselves constituting a complex, coherent structure, whose principles of ordering may be (...)
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  16.  53
    Reviews. Kurt Gödel. What is Cantor's continuum problem? The American mathematical monthly, vol. 54 , pp. 515–525.S. C. Kleene - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (2):116-117.
  17.  58
    Does the nervous system depend on kinesthetic information to control natural limb movements?S. C. Gandevia & David Burke - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):614-632.
    This target article draws together two groups of experimental studies on the control of human movement through peripheral feedback and centrally generated signals of motor commands. First, during natural movement, feedback from muscle, joint, and cutaneous afferents changes; in human subjects these changes have reflex and kinesthetic consequences. Recent psychophysical and microneurographic evidence suggests that joint and even cutaneous afferents may have a proprioceptive role. Second, the role of centrally generated motor commands in the control of normal movements and movements (...)
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  18.  64
    Differences in medical students' attitudes to academic misconduct and reported behaviour across the years--a questionnaire study.S. C. Rennie - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (2):97-102.
    Objectives: This study aimed to determine attitudinal and self reported behavioural variations between medical students in different years to scenarios involving academic misconduct.Design: A cross-sectional study where students were given an anonymous questionnaire that asked about their attitudes to 14 scenarios describing a fictitious student engaging in acts of academic misconduct and asked them to report their own potential behaviour.Setting: Dundee Medical School.Participants: Undergraduate medical students from all five years of the course.Method: Questionnaire survey.Main measurements: Differences in medical students’ attitudes (...)
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  19.  32
    Kinesthesia and unique solutions for control of multijoint movements.S. C. Gandevia - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):335-335.
  20.  84
    (1 other version)Disjunction and existence under implication in elementary intuitionistic formalisms.S. C. Kleene - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):11-18.
  21.  91
    Hume's Bundles, Self-Consciousness and Kant.S. C. Patten - 1976 - Hume Studies 2 (2):59-75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HUME'S BUNDLES, SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS AND KANT Even if we are inclined to view Hume's attempt to explain ascriptions of personal identity as an abysmal failure, we might still be sympathetic toward his proposal to replace the going substance theory of the nature of mind with his bundle account. Thus we might fault Hume for erecting an unachievably high standard for personal identity, or round on him for excluding bodily criteria (...)
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  22. (1 other version)On notation for ordinal numbers.S. C. Kleene - 1938 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 3 (4):150-155.
  23. "Ragione e etica" di S. E. Toulmin.C. P. P. S. - 1970 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:599.
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  24. An Introduction to the Philosophical Works of F. S. C. Northrop.F. S. C. Northrop & Fred Seddon - 1996 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 32 (2):336-339.
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  25.  23
    Quantifying professionalism in peer review.Joshua A. Rash, Jeff C. Clements, Chi-Yeung Choi, Stephanie Avery-Gomm, Alyssa M. Allen Gerwing & Travis G. Gerwing - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundThe process of peer-review in academia has attracted criticism surrounding issues of bias, fairness, and professionalism; however, frequency of occurrence of such comments is unknown.MethodsWe evaluated 1491 sets of reviewer comments from the fields of “Ecology and Evolution” and “Behavioural Medicine,” of which 920 were retrieved from the online review repository Publons and 571 were obtained from six early career investigators. Comment sets were coded for the occurrence of “unprofessional comments” and “incomplete, inaccurate or unsubstantiated critiques” using an a-prior rubric (...)
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    The conceptual framework of Tolman's purposive behaviorism.S. C. Pepper - 1934 - Psychological Review 41 (2):108-133.
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  27.  92
    The mathematical work of S. C. Kleene.J. R. Shoenfield & S. C. Kleene - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):8-43.
    §1. The origins of recursion theory. In dedicating a book to Steve Kleene, I referred to him as the person who made recursion theory into a theory. Recursion theory was begun by Kleene's teacher at Princeton, Alonzo Church, who first defined the class of recursive functions; first maintained that this class was the class of computable functions ; and first used this fact to solve negatively some classical problems on the existence of algorithms. However, it was Kleene who, in his (...)
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  28.  32
    The estimation of loudness by unpracticed observers.S. S. Stevens & E. C. Poulton - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (1):71.
  29.  19
    Hierarchies of Number-Theoretic Predicates.S. C. Kleene - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):411-412.
  30.  22
    Whittaker’s analytical dynamics: a biography.S. C. Coutinho - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (3):355-407.
    Originally published in 1904, Whittaker’s A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies soon became a classic of the subject and has remained in print for most of these 108 years. In this paper, we follow the book as it develops from a report that Whittaker wrote for the British Society for the Advancement of Science to its influence on Dirac’s version of quantum mechanics in the 1920s and beyond.
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  31.  43
    How Metaphors About the Genome Constrain CRISPR Metaphors: Separating the “Text” From Its “Editor”.S. C. Nelson, J.-H. Yu & L. Ceccarelli - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):60-62.
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  32.  17
    Recursive Functionals and Quantifiers of Finite Types II.S. C. Kleene - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):146-146.
  33.  8
    Pembroke College Cambridge: A Short History.S. C. Roberts (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This short history of Pembroke College, Cambridge appeared in 1936, during a particularly successful period for the college in terms of both academic and sporting achievements. Pembroke was founded in 1347, when Edward III granted Marie de St Pol, widow of the Earl of Pembroke, a licence for the foundation of a new educational establishment in the young University of Cambridge. The college flourished, and from the mid-nineteenth century expanded greatly. The author of this book, which is still regarded as (...)
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  34. Philosophers Discuss Education.S. C. Brown - 1977 - Mind 86 (344):611-614.
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    Euthanasia for Mental Suffering Reduces Stigmatization But May Lead to an Extension of This Practice Without Safeguards.C. Lemey, M. Walter, Deok-Hee Kim-Dufor, S. Berrouiguet & A. Le Glaz - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):57-59.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 57-59.
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  36.  54
    Piaget's theory and its value for teachers.S. C. Clark - 1995 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 27 (2):64–88.
  37.  44
    (1 other version)Plutarch's de Fortuna Romanorum.S. C. R. Swain - 1989 - Classical Quarterly 39 (02):504-.
    Plutarch's essay de fortuna Romanorum has attracted divergent judgements. Ziegler dismissed it as ‘eine nicht weiter ernst zu nehmende rhetorische Stilübung’. By Flacelière it was hailed as ‘une ébauche de méditation sur le prodigieux destin de Rome’. It is time to consider the work afresh and to discover whether there is common ground between these two views. Rather than offering a general appreciation, my treatment will take the work chapter by chapter, considering points of interest as they arise. This method (...)
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  38.  28
    A Symmetric Form of Godel's Theorem.S. C. Kleene - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):147-147.
  39.  18
    Extension of an Effectively Generated Class of Functions by Enumeration.S. C. Kleene - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (3):279-280.
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  40.  29
    Recursive Functions and Intuitionistic Mathematics.S. C. Kleene - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (2):181-182.
  41.  27
    Jou Pu Tan.S. C. S., Li Yu & Richard Martin - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (2):281.
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  42.  81
    The psychological profile of parents who volunteer their children for clinical research: a controlled study.S. C. Harth, R. R. Johnstone & Y. H. Thong - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (2):86-93.
    Three standard psychometric tests were administered to parents who volunteered their children for a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of a new asthma drug and to a control group of parents whose children were eligible for the trial but had declined the invitation. The trial took place at a children's hospital in Australia. The subjects comprised 68 parents who had volunteered their children and 42 who had not, a participation rate of 94 per cent and 70 per cent, respectively. The responses (...)
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  43.  69
    Mental causation and double prevention.S. C. Gibb - 2013 - In Sophie Gibb, E. J. Lowe & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson, Mental Causation and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 193.
  44.  31
    The Shape of Athenian Law.S. C. Todd - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Unlike its predecessors, this systematic survey of the law of Athens is based on explicit discussion of how the subject might be studies, incorporating topics such as the democratic political system and social structure. Technical and legal terms are explained in a comprehensive glossary.
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  45. Philosophy of Psychology.S. C. Brown - 1977 - Critica 9 (25):99-106.
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    Michigan Court Clarifies Liability for COB Provisions in ERISA and Auto Plans.C. S. - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (1):72-72.
    In Campbell Soup Co. v. Allstate Insurance Co. ), the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Southern Division, held that a health plan's coordination of benefits clause, covered under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, does not preempt a similar no-fault automobile insurance clause in the absence of irreconcilable conflict. The court found that ERISA's policy of shielding plans from unanticipated claims could only be furthered when the plan had expressly disavowed such claims. Because the ERISA (...)
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  47.  40
    Scepticism and the Second Analogy: a modest proposal.S. C. Patten - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (1):27-40.
    Despite Decades of scholarly attention certain sections of Kant's first Critique have proved recalcitrant to received readings, canonical interpretations are impossible to come by. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the literature on Kant's treatment of causality in the Second Analogy, where there exists a controversy of many years standing about the success of Kant's arguments in favour of what has come to be known as ‘the causal principle’. For example, contemporary Kant scholars of stature no less than Lewis (...)
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  48. The Problem of Identity of objects in Hume's Philosophy.S. C. Daniel - 1985 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):191.
  49.  58
    Medicine : Science or Art?S. C. Panda - 2006 - Mens Sana Monographs 4 (1):127.
    Debate over the status of medicine as an Art or Science continues. The aim of this paper is to discuss the meaning of Art and Science in terms of medicine, and to find out to what extent they have their roots in the field of medical practice. What is analysed is whether medicine is an "art based on science"; or, the "art of medicine" has lost its sheen (what with the rapid advancements of science in course of time, which has (...)
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  50.  16
    A Vida É Um Mistério.S. C. D. Scopinho - 2011 - Páginas de Filosofía 3 (1-2):93-104.
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